dilluns, 26 de setembre del 2016

TED talks

TED talks
Angela Lee Duckworth is a psychologist that studies how the grit is the thing that makes us better. In the video that we saw the other day in class, she said that "grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals, grit is having stamina, grit is sticking your future day in day out..." Plus, Lee said she saw that what makes somebody greatest is grit, and not the IQ or healthy mind.

I really do not have any idea of what makes us greatest, but I don't agree with her. First because grit is not what she said, grit is the power to show you without shame. Of course I think that grit is important for oneself,but is not the principle of our mind, and it's just like talent. At one point of the video, she said that talent and grit are antonyms, but in my point of view, both of them are building our personality.

In relation to what she said about the failures (failure is not a permanent condition), I think that with every failure we learn something, but it's permanent, because although we will be better with failures, we always remembered our failures, those failures that made us. Also, I believe that you can't try the same thing because if at first you don't succeed you never will be successful with these. 


My dear teacher, I'm Maria Baguer Colomer and I'm writing these for speak about my goals. When I was little one of my goals was become a chef, but now I don't have any goal. Well, like everybody of my class, I think that it would be amazing pass batxillerat with great notes. And also have a beautiful house and a good job some day, but these goals are like everyone's goals. 
One thing that I really would like to have, but I've never said, is a NGO to save dolphins and whales, but as I know that this is really difficult because first I should have a lot of money, and it's a little bit impossible be rich, it's not a goal from my point of view, because I believe that a goal is something possible. 

"How I expect overcome them?". As Homer Simpson says, If something is too hard to do, then it's not worth doing. So, if i believe that something doesn't deserve too much work I just won't do it.

No one helps me to stay on track, I mind, of course my family  helps me, but not in the same way I would like to do it, so if I don't share the same thoughts,  it's not useful.