dijous, 16 de març del 2017


99-million-year-old mushrooms found perfectly preserved in Burmese amber (The independent) 

The new says that some researchers discovered mushrooms' fossils with an age of 99 million of years in a museum collection in china (only a million years earlier than the oldest amber mushroom ever found). Also they found beetles' fossils encased in amber that are 125 million years old.
The researchers said that they were impressed about that good preserved and also about the similarity with modern mushrooms.
The journal Nature Communications said that “The discovery of four mushroom forms, most with a complete intact cap containing distinct gills and a stalk, suggests evolutionary stasis of body form for 99 million years.”
Also they say that in Scotland and Sweden some researchers found a fungus that are 440 million years old. 
The new ends saying that the mouthparts of beetles' fossils match those of modern beetles and indicate that they ate mushrooms. 
I found these new very interesting because I think it's incredible how nowadays we can find species with millions and millions of years old and besides that, is unbelievable in the good conservation which researchers find this fossils. 
(mushrooms' fossils)

(beetles' fossils)

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