Mount Etna Erupts in Sicily, Injuring at Least 10 (New York Times)
This Thursday Mount Etna, Europe's largest and most active volcano,has been active sending up plumes of glowing red lava and ash that could be seen for miles from its peaks in Silicy.
There are people who was there during the erupts and were injured.
An unnamed volcanologist said that Edna explosion was the “most dangerous incident experience in his 30-year career.”
PERSONAL OPINION:it would be terrifying being in one of these situations, personally, my worst fear is die burned, so it would be a real nightmare being there. I think that there were a terrible organization because there were woundeds and nowadays is easy known when a volcano will erupt.
(Images of the eruption were also captured from space)
dijous, 16 de març del 2017
Great Barrier Reef can only survive if global warming is curbed, scientists warn (The independent)
The new says that if we don't stop global warming Australia's Great Barrier Reef will disappear. The consequence of global warming is the increase of temperature and this cause the bleaching of corals (corals have the capacity to recover their life is are exposed to cooler water). Although bleaching episodes have happened before, this latest one is the most damaging. The new says that the most important coral bleaching happened in 1998, 2002 and 2016.
A research showed that in one area near to Cairns, up to 83% of the coral reef has died. Just a 9% of the reef has avoided the bleaching since 1998.
David Wachenfeld, a member of the authority said that "In total, those extreme weather events and the overall impact of climate change is a major threat to the future of the reef.".
PERSONAL OPINION: We have to stop global warming because not only affect the coral reefs, also all the biodiversity, including humans. We should find the way to reduce pollutant emissions and become more aware about pollution and it's consequences.
99-million-year-old mushrooms found perfectly preserved in Burmese amber (The independent)
The new says that some researchers discovered mushrooms' fossils with an age of 99 million of years in a museum collection in china (only a million years earlier than the oldest amber mushroom ever found). Also they found beetles' fossils encased in amber that are 125 million years old.
The researchers said that they were impressed about that good preserved and also about the similarity with modern mushrooms.
The journal Nature Communications said that “The discovery of four mushroom forms, most with a complete intact cap containing distinct gills and a stalk, suggests evolutionary stasis of body form for 99 million years.”
Also they say that in Scotland and Sweden some researchers found a fungus that are 440 million years old.
The new ends saying that the mouthparts of beetles' fossils match those of modern beetles and indicate that they ate mushrooms.
I found these new very interesting because I think it's incredible how nowadays we can find species with millions and millions of years old and besides that, is unbelievable in the good conservation which researchers find this fossils.
TASK- soulmate
Although I don't believe in soulmates, my perfect partner in life would be something like that:
-Inteligent, for talk about important and interesting things. To don't have bored conversations.
-Sporting and relaxed, a person who likes sport and that at the same time loves the couch.
-Someone who loves series and could been hours and hours watching TV series.
-Someone who loves parties, but not discos, just town parties. Because I hate the atmosphere that discos have.
-And someone who understands me. For example, I hate when people asks what is happening to me or when they upset me when I'm sad or serious.
-Someone with a degree or job.
-And attractive. Althought for me the appearance isn't more important than the other characteristics already mentioned. In conclusion I prefer a cultured and social person who can understand me than an attractive person.
-Someone who could complete me.
Although I don't believe in soulmates, my perfect partner in life would be something like that:
-Inteligent, for talk about important and interesting things. To don't have bored conversations.

-Someone who loves series and could been hours and hours watching TV series.
-Someone who loves parties, but not discos, just town parties. Because I hate the atmosphere that discos have.
-And someone who understands me. For example, I hate when people asks what is happening to me or when they upset me when I'm sad or serious.
-Someone with a degree or job.
-And attractive. Althought for me the appearance isn't more important than the other characteristics already mentioned. In conclusion I prefer a cultured and social person who can understand me than an attractive person.
-Someone who could complete me.
I think I would be able to forgive my partner if he cheated on me. The other question is if I could keep on the realation after he cheated on me. I would keep on the relation just depending on the situation.
For example if he cheated on me because he was druk I would forgive him and I would continue with the realation, but if he cheated on me because he's bored about our relation, I would forgive him but I wouldn't keep the realtion with him.
Basically I'm able to forgive everybody but not to continue with the relation with the person who cheated on me.
Also, all of I said are my believes, because I don't have any experience and maybe I could hurt a person if these cheated on me
Another question that I have is: Have you ever wondered why do we love? And my answer is an another question: why do we believe in God? I think that both of them, love and God, are basic needs for humans even if we don't believe in them. We hate solitude so we build communities to preserve our specie, and reproduction induces us to love. This is my point of view about love, althought It seems that I don't like love, or that I have a cold view about it, I know that love are very important and that is very powerful!
And I have a finally question that says: Can your partner truly make you happy? YES, of course He/She can! It doesn't stop being someone that you chose because you like it. Plus, as all of us know, love are just chemical reactions, and maybe this reactions makes us happy, so yes, your partner can make you happy.
I think I would be able to forgive my partner if he cheated on me. The other question is if I could keep on the realation after he cheated on me. I would keep on the relation just depending on the situation.
For example if he cheated on me because he was druk I would forgive him and I would continue with the realation, but if he cheated on me because he's bored about our relation, I would forgive him but I wouldn't keep the realtion with him.
Basically I'm able to forgive everybody but not to continue with the relation with the person who cheated on me.
Also, all of I said are my believes, because I don't have any experience and maybe I could hurt a person if these cheated on me
Another question that I have is: Have you ever wondered why do we love? And my answer is an another question: why do we believe in God? I think that both of them, love and God, are basic needs for humans even if we don't believe in them. We hate solitude so we build communities to preserve our specie, and reproduction induces us to love. This is my point of view about love, althought It seems that I don't like love, or that I have a cold view about it, I know that love are very important and that is very powerful!
And I have a finally question that says: Can your partner truly make you happy? YES, of course He/She can! It doesn't stop being someone that you chose because you like it. Plus, as all of us know, love are just chemical reactions, and maybe this reactions makes us happy, so yes, your partner can make you happy.
1. Discuss. Why do we love? It’s heart-breaking and complicated most of the times yet do we need it at all?
As I said in my research post, we love because it's a basic need for humans. We don't like the complete solitude so we are inclined to build a community, and to preserve our community we have to reproduce and this induces love.
2. How does the video define love? Put the words in order:(Intoxicating, Heart-breaking, Beautiful, Soul crushing)
1-Beautiful 2-Intoxicating 3-Hearth-breaking 4-Soul crushing
3. What are the 5 Philosophers mentioned?
1- Plato 2- Schopenhauer 3- Russell 4- Buddha 5- Beauvoir
4. Watch again and write each Philosopher’s view on love.
1- PLATO: "Love make us whole again". He says that we just love to become complete.
2- SCHOPENHAUER: " Love tricks us into having babies". He thinks that love is based on sexual desire.
3- RUSSELL: " Love is escape from our loneliness". He says that we love to satisfy our physical and psychological desire.
4- BUDDHA: "Love is a misleading affliction". He says that we love because we are trying to satisfy our base desires.
5- BEAUVOIR: "Love lets us reach beyond ourselves". Love is the desire to integrate with another and that it infuses our lives with meaning.
5. Vocabulary work. Which Philosopher says what?
1)Dependance on another means boredom and power games: Simone de Beauvoir
2)We succeed in perpetuating human species and perpetuating human tragedy: Shopenhauer
3)Quench our physical and psychological desires: Russell
4)It enriches our whole being together: Russell
5)Attachments are a great source of suffering: Buddha
6)Love is the longing to find a soulmate who makes us feel whole again: Plato
7)Love infuses our life with meaning: Simone de Beauvoir
1. Discuss. Why do we love?
As I said in my research post, we love because it's a basic need for humans. We don't like the complete solitude so we are inclined to build a community, and to preserve our community we have to reproduce and this induces love.
2. How does the video define love? Put the words in order:(Intoxicating, Heart-breaking, Beautiful, Soul crushing)
1-Beautiful 2-Intoxicating 3-Hearth-breaking 4-Soul crushing
3. What are the 5 Philosophers mentioned?
1- Plato 2- Schopenhauer 3- Russell 4- Buddha 5- Beauvoir
4. Watch again and write each Philosopher’s view on love.
1- PLATO: "Love make us whole again". He says that we just love to become complete.
4- BUDDHA: "Love is a misleading affliction". He says that we love because we are trying to satisfy our base desires.
5- BEAUVOIR: "Love lets us reach beyond ourselves". Love is the desire to integrate with another and that it infuses our lives with meaning.
1)Dependance on another means boredom and power games: Simone de Beauvoir
2)We succeed in perpetuating human species and perpetuating human tragedy: Shopenhauer
3)Quench our physical and psychological desires: Russell
4)It enriches our whole being together: Russell
5)Attachments are a great source of suffering: Buddha
6)Love is the longing to find a soulmate who makes us feel whole again: Plato
7)Love infuses our life with meaning: Simone de Beauvoir
Series of the month
This month I started a new series called Suits. It's an american series about the life of Mike Ross, a brilliant young with photographic memory who running from a drug deal gone bad he ends in a job interview with one of the New York city's best law firm. Mike Ross ends being the associated of one of the best lawyers of New York, Harvey Specter, and all of this without having the degree.
My personal opinion
I really like this series. It’s very entertaining, funny and when you’re watching it the time just flies. My favourite part about the series is when they speak about laws, I don’t know why but I love the capacity of the characters to say all they say and with the speed they do it. And I don't like the romantic parts of the series. I recommended this series to everybody.
This month I started a new series called Suits. It's an american series about the life of Mike Ross, a brilliant young with photographic memory who running from a drug deal gone bad he ends in a job interview with one of the New York city's best law firm. Mike Ross ends being the associated of one of the best lawyers of New York, Harvey Specter, and all of this without having the degree.
My personal opinion
I really like this series. It’s very entertaining, funny and when you’re watching it the time just flies. My favourite part about the series is when they speak about laws, I don’t know why but I love the capacity of the characters to say all they say and with the speed they do it. And I don't like the romantic parts of the series. I recommended this series to everybody.
Nip tuck
-Doctor: Welcome Sr. Tell me why are you here please?
-Will: Yeah… Well, I mean… eyes… my eyes… oh, shit!
-Doctor: Keep calm man, it's ok. What's going on with your eyes?
-Doctor: Oh yes! If you don't feel comfortable with your concealer we can fix it putting some Botox, doing surgery, pushing up your eyebrows…
-Will: Well, that's not what I …
-Doctor: Or we can also do that your eyes seem bigger…
-Will: Shut up for a fucking minute… please Sr!
What I was thinking of is the possibility to change the colour of them. I mean it's simple, just fix the fucking shit colour.
-Doctor: Oh that's not that simple. Here we just do plastic surgery, you should go to an oculist. The only possibility we can offer you is to use…
-Will: …Yeah, yeah… ok… so goodbye, I will do it by my own.

(Will gets up and comes closer to the doctor)
-Will: Your eyes are beautiful too.
(Doctor gets closer… and when he is trying to kiss him, Will pull up the eye of the Doctor and shout)
-Will: Uahahahhaha, fuck you eff, go to the hell, now I have what I want.
-Doctor: Ahhhhh!!! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WTF!
-Will: Uahahah, since I was little my biggest dream was to see the world with another perspective and the only way to accomplish it is having diferents eyes.
(The nurse opens the door and falls because of a blood puddle.)
-Nurse: OMG! W… Wh... Whatttt??? Who are you? I’m going to call the police if…
-Will: Shut up or I’m going to kill you mucky
(The Nurse starts to cry)
-Will: Ok, Ok relax. I’m a good person I just wanted a new pair of eyes to have a better understanding about the world, so I pulled up the doctor’s eyes.
-Nurse: But… but your consultation was to change the color of your eyes, not to kill the DOCTOR!!! I’m going to call the police, wait here
-Will: Please no, It was an accident.
-Nure: How dare you to say that if you just told me your real intention.
( The Nurse stands up and goes to call the police, but when she is opening the door, the nurse breaks the door’s handle and this falls on the floor)
-Rob: CUT!! You shit it up! This wasn’t supposed to happen. Plus, the camera wasn’t leveled! Shit now we have to roll the scene again.
-Cris: Stand by to shoot! Headsets for the director. Three, two, one, off we go! ROLL!!
krustukoshina- FREE STORY
Krustukoshina was an ancient woman who fought for the women rights in her comunity.
She had a black, long and straight hair, her skin was green with purple stains spread for all the body.
Her comunity was from Hula loa munaan luappa, Hawaii, and the habitants of the village were divided in males and females.
Krustukoshina was a writer, and she always wrote about women and their rights. Thanks that, she became famous and also her comunity started to accept the equality between men and women.
Now her comunity it’s leaded by women, and men are slave. And seems that Krustukoshina had all the responsability.
Krustukoshina was an ancient woman who fought for the women rights in her comunity.
She had a black, long and straight hair, her skin was green with purple stains spread for all the body.
Her comunity was from Hula loa munaan luappa, Hawaii, and the habitants of the village were divided in males and females.
Krustukoshina was a writer, and she always wrote about women and their rights. Thanks that, she became famous and also her comunity started to accept the equality between men and women.
Now her comunity it’s leaded by women, and men are slave. And seems that Krustukoshina had all the responsability.
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