Right now technology it's one of the most important things. We live with technology and for the majority of persons it would be impossible live without the new technology, like phone or computers.
I think people believe that we use technology only to improve our life, not only in the cotidian life but also in the medical field.
But can technology really solve our problems? Maybe, but I don't know, because to solve big problem first we have to improve our technology, and also we have to decide which problems are big.
Since technology was born we have solved some medical problems for example, so yes, I think that technology can solve our problems.
But I don't know how we can solve this problems with technology, and I think that this is the principal problem, that we don't know how to do it!
divendres, 24 de febrer del 2017
The last term We presented our research project. I remembered that I was very nervous but when I started the presentation I was calm.
When I finished the presentation I thought that then I could deleted the work but now I understand that the worst part about the research project is not the projects, is all its concequences. For example all the works you have to do about the project, like another presentation of the project in english, or make writings about our experience and summarys.
It was a difficul month but I think that now I can say that the research work it's finally close!
The last term We presented our research project. I remembered that I was very nervous but when I started the presentation I was calm.
When I finished the presentation I thought that then I could deleted the work but now I understand that the worst part about the research project is not the projects, is all its concequences. For example all the works you have to do about the project, like another presentation of the project in english, or make writings about our experience and summarys.
It was a difficul month but I think that now I can say that the research work it's finally close!
Finally a couple of friends decided to go to menorca to celebrate sant joan. I am really exited about it, and i dream with this day since second of eso.
Finally a couple of friends decided to go to menorca to celebrate sant joan. I am really exited about it, and i dream with this day since second of eso.
The most of us are going there to celebrate that we finished batxillerat and selectivitat, and how we will celebrate? With the best combination ever, parties and relaxing.
So the plan is going there with a ferry and once we are there go to the beach in the morning and in the afternoon and night go to the party in ciutadella and also go to discos.
I hope that this vacations are the best vacations of my youth.

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