dilluns, 6 de juny del 2016


Final reflection

I think that now my english grammar, vocabulary, and the blogg is better that the last year. My blogger posts in 4t Eso was  awful, because I wasn't taking it seriously, but now I understand that english it's very important for our future.

In 4t ESO I didn't do any exercice of grammar or vocabulary, We spent all the days watching series. I have to recognise that I loved watch these series, we improved our pronuciation and understanding, but These was useless because we didn't put in practice. This year, our teacher has been hard and for these reason my english improve.
Plus, this year we has been playing Kahoot, and in my opinion it's the best activity to shows our level of english, and  the same time we have fun.
In my form of view everything is useful to learn english.
I would like to do again class songs, oficial exam preparations for improve our level, blog news, gramar book exercicies, Reading 3 book, that in my opinión it's an excellen form to do the readings better, and finally oral exams, beacuse althought this put my very nervous, it's one of the best forms to lost the embarrassment.

Another thing that I would like to do is videos, or theaters plays, because it's very funny and it's a good form to lose our embarrassment.