diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015
Presentation: Bull jumping
The video: (We have a problem with the video, because theses wasn't recorded all the presentation, so We only have a little part)
Netflix Inc. is an international provider of on-demand Internet streaming media available to viewers in all of North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and parts of Europe.
The company was established in 1997 and is headquartered in Los Gatos, California. It started its subscription-based service in 1999. By 2009, Netflix was offering a collection of 100,000 titles on DVD and had surpassed 10 million subscribers. Now Netflix have 69.17 million subscribers worldwide.
In this October Netflix started to issuing in Spain, I bought Netflix and I really thought that was more amazing, like USA, but they only have a few series, so can’t watch for example the Simpson, Modern Family or Gray’s Anatomy, because these series are from other channels. But still that I'm so happy finally for have Netflix because it’s very easy to use and very effective.
I love netflix because I can use Netflix on my computer, TV, and my tablet, and even on my mobile.
NEWS: Three killed, 20 hurt in mortar attack on U.N. mission in Mali
Three killed, 20 hurt in mortar attack on U.N. mission in Mali
There was an attack in northern Mali on Saturday which killed two peacekeepers and a contractor and injured 20 people. The attack was produced by mortars, which were threw at a UN camp . Mongi Hamdi, the head of the UN mission , said "I want to reiterate that these attacks will not impede the determination of the United Nations to support the Malian people and the peace process, including through assisting the implementation of the Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali”
This agreement was signed to carry out peace to the African nation. The groups have been working on a peace agreement , for permiting a greater autonomy in the north.
These attacks are becoming more usual so I hope this over soon , because I find it's very unfair that innocent people die . Although many people dying for this attacks, those countries that they attack living from tourism ,so anybody would like to go there, so many people are left without work.
NEWS: For sale, one teen dinosaur
For sale: One teen dinosaur
It’s the first dinosaur to be discovered in such good condition . Wednesday paleontologists discovered a youth Allosaurus incredibly rare .
This carnivore is located in Wyoming and is the second sample of youth who are Allosaurus .
"This is a very exciting but stressful time for us," said Rupert Werff . "The first juvenile allosaurus was just a couple of limb bones and three ribs, so this is by far the most intact specimen."
The young dinosaur was found in the Morrison formation . Although the price is too high, the excavation is too, so the paleontologist doesn’t won much money.
Always thought that archaeologists had earned a lot of money if they discovered something like this, the truth is that it makes me sad because this important work is not valued as it should be. But today we continue finding this things and this is wonderful.
NEWS: Nefertiti's tomb
New clues in hunt for Nefertiti's tomb
The Egyptologists are optimistic on having found a second chamber that's found behind the tomb of the King Tutankhamun. An archeologist has inspected that if the second chamber exists, this might be the place of the burial of the Queen Nefertiti.
Nicolas Reeves, a British archeologist, published a theory in the one that was saying that the ancient queen who rests in this place was put in a chamber concealed behind the walls of the tomb of the King Tut.
Preliminary results of the explorations reveal the existence of a new chamber of burial, says the Egyptian Department of Antiquities. The work inside the tomb will not begin until it’s analyzed by Japanese experts.
I think it's a great notice because find this in 2015 it's really important, and if they get the mummy in perfect condition this would be amazing.
dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015

I love this animas because when I look his eyes I feel calm.

I hope this animal don't desappear ever.
divendres, 27 de novembre del 2015
Game of thrones
I never imagined that Game of Thrones became my favorite TV series. First of all because I hate medievals films or series, also I fine these series very old although they're current. But one day i started to watch that series because They came record to Girona. I know this argument is awful but I was really happy for that. In four days I ended the first three seasons, each one with ten episodes of 1 hour each one, yes!, I'm conscious that I was 30 hours seeing this series that at first I hated...
It's a series based on George R.R. Martin's best-selling 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series. Ned Stark, Lord of Winterfell, becomes the Hand of the King after the former one, Jon Arryn, has passed away. But before Ned goes to the capital, Kings Landing, a letter arrives from his wifes sister Lysa, who was the wife of Jon Arryn. There it says that her husband was murdered, and it is up to Ned to find out what's going on. But it doesn't finish very well for Ned Stark and his family will have to hide in order that they don't kill them. This is only a part of what happens in the first episodes. The other characters want to be kings of the capital, that's why the series is called Game of Thrones, because all wars that they cause are a game.
I recommend this series to everybody, it's educative as entertained, is simply awesome. I never thought that it me could cause these expectations, but I'm proud for my decision. My favorite character is Daenerys the mother of dragons , because it's a strong woman and a good and smart person.
dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2015
diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2015
Maleficent is one of the best films I've seen.
The movie begins with a girl who is a fairy, and she is always happy . But in her adolescence falls in love with a young man who aspires to be the king, and that trick her and cuts her wings to give to the king for marry with his daughter and in a future be the King. So Maleficent begin a horrible person and She did a spell to Aurora, the princes, because at age 16 died. Here is where we realise that Maleficent is the witch in the movie Slepping Beauty. But the movie Maleficent meets Aurora and become friends, and Maleficent treats Aurora like a daughter. And at the end of the movie , when we see Aurora asleep and any prince can awaken with a kiss, Maleficent kisses her and Aurora wake up.
I really love this film, because it's other form to watch the character of the film. And also I love this form to see other characters, and know the lives of other characters , because in the Sleeping Beauty's film we can see a bad Maleficent, but in this film we see the loving part of Maleficent. And besides Angelina Jolie is the protagonist of this film and she is my favorite actress.
The movie begins with a girl who is a fairy, and she is always happy . But in her adolescence falls in love with a young man who aspires to be the king, and that trick her and cuts her wings to give to the king for marry with his daughter and in a future be the King. So Maleficent begin a horrible person and She did a spell to Aurora, the princes, because at age 16 died. Here is where we realise that Maleficent is the witch in the movie Slepping Beauty. But the movie Maleficent meets Aurora and become friends, and Maleficent treats Aurora like a daughter. And at the end of the movie , when we see Aurora asleep and any prince can awaken with a kiss, Maleficent kisses her and Aurora wake up.
I really love this film, because it's other form to watch the character of the film. And also I love this form to see other characters, and know the lives of other characters , because in the Sleeping Beauty's film we can see a bad Maleficent, but in this film we see the loving part of Maleficent. And besides Angelina Jolie is the protagonist of this film and she is my favorite actress.
dissabte, 21 de novembre del 2015
A month ago I broke my arm and I 've put a plaster.
Plaster is widely used as a support for broken bones; a bandage impregnated with plaster is moistened and then wrapped around the damaged limb. Also plaster is used in art, architecture, funeral processes, fire protection, 3D printing... It is manufactured as a dry powder and is mixed with water to form a paste when used. The reaction with water liberates heat through crystallization and the hydrated plaster then hardens.
Having a sense of not being able to move a part of your body is frustrated , and also couldn't clean my arm, this was the worst of bring the plaster. I recommend that people watch when they hurt , because it is horrible bring plaster, thankfully I only wore the plaster one month , there are people who wear very long the plaster.
Castelló is on a hill about 17 meters high on the left of the river Muga and approximately 4 km from the sea. The township is divided into two parts: the originally core of town and Empuriabrava. Empuriabrava has a long beach is one of the world's largest residential marine with 75.000 population in summer.
Castelló d'Empúries is a town in the region of Alt Emporda, Girona province. Acquired the status of capital of Empúries County after moving exposed to attacks from the sea, and becoming the authentic medieval capital of the Emporda. This past makes every year in September made a big celebration named “Terra de Trobadors”, during that there is music, troubadours, fighting knights, a popular medieval market, musical and theater performances, lectures topics Medieval and exhibitions.
My favorite part of Castelló is the Basilica. It's really beautiful and big, I don't understand how they did it without machine. Also I love the prison. I hate the new part of Castelló, his residential zone, I think this new part doesn't fits well with the oldest part of Castelló.
divendres, 20 de novembre del 2015
The evil stepmother
Once upon a time there was a beautiful prince. Also there was a maid, with a special personality, who loves the prince. They fell in love and they had many romantic moments. But the flame turn off and prince started to stay with others beautiful girls, and he found his love. The maid, Angelica didn’t know about that affair. After one year Angelica discovered romantic cards of her husband who had written to another woman.
These letters spoke about a pregnant woman, the woman who was with her husband the prince. Angelica was sad because her husband had been cheating. Angelica decide to leave her home and go far away because she wanted to forget her husband and all the adventures they had spent together.
While Angelica was far away, the prince and the other woman started a new live together. They had the baby with the name of Cinderella.
After fifteen years Cinderella’s mother died. Angelica read a letter that said that the princes was dead and she returned to the palace because she wanted revenge.
She had a plan, first win the prince’s heart. The second step was to kill the prince with poison in his meal. And finally, abuse her bastard daughter, and she named Cinderella the maid of the palace.
One day Cinderella and the stepmother began to discuss and Cinderlla had a wrath attack and she caught a knife and she stabbed Angelica’s abdomen, but Angelica caught a vase and she threw that vase on the head of Cindarella. Therefore both died.
i es que a vegades el predó es la millor solució, perque tot te les seves consequencies , com podem veure en aquest petit relat, on Angeklica rep el que don, s’en diu karma.
Sometimes the best solution is the Predicted, because everything that you do has concequences, as we see in this little story, where Angelica recives all she give, that is Karma.
divendres, 13 de novembre del 2015
Chee Seng and Tracy: Coming of age
In this post we explain a differences and similarities of film named thirteeen and the book the best of time.
Chee Seng have more money than Tracy, we can watch this in the part of the book witch they explain that Chee Seng live in a suburb, a rich urbanitzation, and Tracy live in a poor urabnitzation.
They have some differences but also They have similarities, for example both of them have a distant relationship whit their fathers. Also they live a embarrasing moments, we can watch this when Chee Seng’s father is with Veena in the bedroom, and Tracy saw her mother involve like an adolescence with her boyfriend.
Other difference is their age, Chee Seng is 16 years old and Tracy is 13 years old, so is most shocking see Tracy do the thing that she do, for example when she drink alcohol and smoke. Theirs new friends are bad influence so they start to drink and take drugs but Chee Seng knows control.
Both of them have a difficult life, but finally they can resolve their life.
Chee Seng have more money than Tracy, we can watch this in the part of the book witch they explain that Chee Seng live in a suburb, a rich urbanitzation, and Tracy live in a poor urabnitzation.
They have some differences but also They have similarities, for example both of them have a distant relationship whit their fathers. Also they live a embarrasing moments, we can watch this when Chee Seng’s father is with Veena in the bedroom, and Tracy saw her mother involve like an adolescence with her boyfriend.
Other difference is their age, Chee Seng is 16 years old and Tracy is 13 years old, so is most shocking see Tracy do the thing that she do, for example when she drink alcohol and smoke. Theirs new friends are bad influence so they start to drink and take drugs but Chee Seng knows control.
Both of them have a difficult life, but finally they can resolve their life.
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